

What is SAASOA?

SAASOA is a organization for Gas station & Convenience store owners.

How is your business awesome?

Gas stations provide basic and day to day necessities to people. It is fantastic to serve people and interact with them creating friendships.

Why do you love using Unitel?

“Unitel allows me to have a designated platform where I can be confident that my members will be able to contact my team with any and all of the questions, comments, suggestions & complaints that they have.” – BR Patel, Founder



What is SAASOA?

SAASOA is a organization for Gas station & Convenience store owners.

Why is it awesome?

Gas stations provide basic and day to day necessities to people. It is fantastic to serve people and interact with them creating friendships.

Why do you love using Unitel?

“Unitel allows me to have a designated platform where I can be confident that my members will be able to contact my team with any and all of the questions, comments, suggestions & complaints that they have.” – BR Patel, Founder

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